Alumni board meeting April 11, 2010
Meeting held via conference call.
Everyone was in attendance
Treasurer’s Report: We started with a balance in the checking account of $161.65. The debits $588.65 deposits $3089.32 total net gain $2500.67. Ending balance in checking $2662.32. In the Lincoln account the balance of $36238.52 as of December 4, 2009. There was a withdraw from this account and deposited in the checking account. Our net loss was only $106.03 balance in the savings account is $36132.49.Total assets as of December 7, 2009 $36400.17 we gained $2394.64 that gives us a balance of $38794.81. There were expenses $250 for the web site for the coming years for last year and also memorial for last year. The treasurer’s report was approved. The 501 3C status was discussed. Nothing was resolved.
Ted and Al were going to check into the 501 3C status. The Braille service that RIS. Had at the school was briefly mentioned nothing had changed.
New business: Joanne mentioned that the school was charging the alumni an additional $5 per person she felt the members should pay this additional $5. A motion was made by Bill Newland and seconded by Chuck Shaefer for the alumni to pay this additional cost the price for the weekend would be $50.
The bulletin was mentioned. Friday night activities $10, meals $5, and banquet $30. A motion was made by Janace Miller and seconded by Albert Petrolongo that no matter what events attended (including if a person was to stay for the entire weekend) a member has to pay their $6 dues in addition to the cost. The motion passed. Program committee Ellen and Bonnie thought that rather than a speaker that people from each decade would speak about their experiences at the school. The group decided that would not be a good idea. It was decided that the money should be in by July 16 2010. Motion was made by Bonnie Newland and seconded by Albert Petrolongo to give Chuck Shaffer $150 for bingo prizes.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted Bonnie Newland recording secretary.