December 9, 2009 Alumni Board meeting
Present, Janice Miller, Ed Facemyer, Albert Pietrolungo, Ellen Goldfon, Chuck Schaefer, Bill Newland, Bonnie Newland, Tom Hesley, Joanna Berkovic, and Ted crum.
Meeting began 7:10 p.m. via conference call.
1, minutes
Al moved minutes be approved. Tom seconded the motion. Motion past unanimously.
2, Treasurers report Tom Hesley
As of December 7, 2009 Current balance in checking $161.65. In the Lincoln investment account, as of December 4, the total earnings $1,186.44 and the balance is $36,238.52. Our total assets $36,400.17. Because forms had to be completed for the bank, and Lincon financial, as well as a mailing address change for Tom, the direct transfer as yet has not been established. Tom hopes to have this done in the near future. Janice suggested that we work on elimination of service charges to the checking account. Tom will contact Citizens bank on this issue. There is also a question as to whether the Alumni has 501c3 status. After some discussion, Bonnie Moved and Janice seconded the motion that the treasurer’s report be approved. The motion past unanimously.
3, Deaths, Joanna Berkovic
Richard Meckler class of 1975 past away.
4, RIS/Braille Ted Crum.
As yet there has been no decision on the status of the Braille printers at RIS.
5, Alumni convention Joanna Berkovic.
The dates for this year’s convention are August 6, 7, and 8. As yet no cost has been established. Al pointed out that the constitution states that in order to hold the convention, 50 people must be registered. Joanna pointed out that the number was changed to 30. However, in the future, this issue will become a real problem, because of deaths to members. It was decided at this time to table the issue.
6, Next meeting.
Joanna suggested because of the convention, the next meeting take place in early March. Also the bulletin should be distributed in early May; soe people will have the information about the convention.
Meeting adjourned 8:37 P.m.
Bonnie Newland Recording secretary