October 7 2009 alumni board meeting minutes
President Ted Crum began the meeting 7:02 p.m via conference call.
Present, Bill Newland Ted Crum, Bonnie Newland, Albert Pietrolungo, Ed Facemyer, Joanna berkovic, Ellen Goldfon, Chuck Schaeffer, and Janice Miller.
1, minutes
It was decided to dispense with reading of minutes, because board members should have received this information via e-mail. Ed Facemyer moved MINUTES BE APPROVED. The motion past unanimously.
2, treasurers report Tom Hesley.
Current balance in checking, $124.55. Our earnings in savings since April 2009, $5,977.30, and the current balance is $35,052.08, and total assets $35,176.63. Bill moved the treasurer’s report be approved. The motion past unanimously. Bonnie moved and Janice seconded the motion that $3,000.00 be transferred from savings to checking. The motion past unanimously. Janice recommended that we look in to a direct wire transfer, in order to speed up transactions from one account to another. Tom and Ted will look in to setting up the direct wire transfer.
3, necrology Joanna Berkovic and Tom Hesley.
There were a number of deaths in the past several months and we sent the proper memorial to the families of the deceased.
4, fund-raising
After some discussion, Janice moved there would be no fund-raising until the next Alumni convention in 2010. Albert seconded the motion. It past unanimously Al recommended this issue be presented to the membership at the next convention, to determine if there should be fund-raising in the future, or will the organization depend on its assets.
5, Alumni convention
We will need to work with the school to determine what we will be charged and the best weekend for the convention. We recommend either the first or second week in August 2010. Joanna will work out these details with the school. It was also suggested that such things as bingo, and a 50 50 raffle will help defray some of the cost to the organization. We also need to begin looking for a speaker at the event.
6, RIS/Braille Ted Crum
Because of the demise of RIS, current plans are to consolidate the Braille service in one location. Beth Branella outreach coordinator at the school has been contacted on this issue. Some of the equipment such as the Braille printer is in bad need of repair. Joe Wassermann has been looking for ways to get funding. It is estimated that it will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $1500.00 to get this equipment repaired. Bonnie moved and Janice seconded the motion that we table this discussion on this issue, because things have not as yet been finalized between Duquesne and RIS. No decision will be made by this board on this issue until it is clear as to ownership of equipment. The Motion past unanimously.
7, miscellaneous
A letter was read from Joe Wassermann thanking us for our contribution to audible darts.
Next meeting December 9 2009
Meeting adjourned 7:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Bonnie Newland recording secretary